1. 外观设计 MacBook Pro 2018的外观设计保持了苹果一贯的简洁风格,采用了全金属一体化机身,给人一种高端大气的感觉。机身尺寸为13.3英寸和15.4英寸两种规格可选,厚度仅为14.9mm,重量也较轻,便于携带。机身采用了铝合金材质,使得整个机身非常坚固耐用,并且采用了独特的空气流动设计,有效降低了散热问题,保持了机身的稳定性。 2. 屏幕显示 MacBook Pro 2018配备了高分辨率的Retina显示屏,给用户带来了极佳的视觉体验。13.3英寸型号的屏幕分辨率为2560x
Introduction With the increasing use of mobile phones in our daily lives, it has become essential to understand the working principles of these devices. In this article, we will take a look at the internal structure of a mobile phone and how it work